
update: husband’s boss grills him every week about his intermittent FMLA

AH boss pulled my husband aside this morning and told him he had better check his points because he was going to get with their assistant manager and anyone with points was going to have their hours cut. My husband just laughed and told him “You do that. I don't have any points. All my absences are covered under my intermittent leave because they were to care for my disabled wife. I told you that yesterday. ” And he went back to work. My husband is also full time so they can only cut his hours so much AND they are already severely short staffed. They should have 8 people on their team alone, they have 5 not counting AH boss. 2 are leaving effective Monday leaving them with 3. They just hired 2 more but already the 2 new hires are no calling no showing

AH boss pulled my husband aside this morning and told him he had better check his points because he was going to get with their assistant manager and anyone with points was going to have their hours cut. My husband just laughed and told him “You do that. I don't have any points. All my absences are covered under my intermittent leave because they were to care for my disabled wife. I told you that yesterday. ” And he went back to work. My husband is also full time so they can only cut his hours so much AND they are already severely short staffed. They should have 8 people on their team alone, they have 5 not counting AH boss. 2 are leaving effective Monday leaving them with 3. They just hired 2 more but already the 2 new hires are no calling no showing

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