
UPDATE: I don’t think I’m going to go into the office anymore and see how long it takes them to say anything

So its been 7 months and I thought I would update. Of course my company would say something. However it took like 3 months for my boss to say “So.. HR sent me a letter and I need to ask you to go into the office.” My boss, who works remotely full time, proceeds to tell me how they knew… badges in and out of the building, and the metric was at least 50% of core days, core days being Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. However, every other person in my group was doing the same thing and got told to go in also. So okay, fine, for the next 2 months, I took the advice of one of my commentors and showed up for the one meeting I had every week, that was on a call with the whole team. and then one other day a week I would drive…

So its been 7 months and I thought I would update.

Of course my company would say something. However it took like 3 months for my boss to say “So.. HR sent me a letter and I need to ask you to go into the office.”

My boss, who works remotely full time, proceeds to tell me how they knew… badges in and out of the building, and the metric was at least 50% of core days, core days being Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. However, every other person in my group was doing the same thing and got told to go in also.

So okay, fine, for the next 2 months, I took the advice of one of my commentors and showed up for the one meeting I had every week, that was on a call with the whole team. and then one other day a week I would drive in on company time and badge swipe and leave. That should cover my 50% right?

Well I dont know if I was sick and missed a few core badge swipes, or what, but about 2 months ago my boss is like… “so HR sent me another letter”. Hes just pissed he keeps getting bugged by them.

So now I go in for like 2 hours a day most core days, honestly to get some peace and quite sometimes. And other core days I just swipe and leave. But its been about 2 months now, hopefully they will leave my boss alone, he's a decent guy given a crap job (litterally been covering the gap for our team in upper management without giving him the job for 1.5 year. Hes been covering a senior director role, 2 pay grades above him, and doing it well.)

They wont give him a decent raise either, so I continue to play games till I decide when Ive had enough. A coworker of mine just left for a fully remote job, can't say Im surprised.

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