
Update: I got a $5 raise and it isn’t enough

Will link my previous post. $5 Raise isn’t enough My boss pulled me into the office today and said that corporate denied my raise as they are immediately suspending new hires, raises, and promotions due to decrease in volume for the foreseeable future. (Real estate). He did say that I might be able to get a $300 bonus but chances are slim. But literally an hour later there was an email sent that said 2 people just got promoted. Can't survive on my current wage and gonna probably go back to my other job. I'm just upset and frustrated at this point.

Will link my previous post.

$5 Raise isn’t enough

My boss pulled me into the office today and said that corporate denied my raise as they are immediately suspending new hires, raises, and promotions due to decrease in volume for the foreseeable future. (Real estate). He did say that I might be able to get a $300 bonus but chances are slim. But literally an hour later there was an email sent that said 2 people just got promoted. Can't survive on my current wage and gonna probably go back to my other job. I'm just upset and frustrated at this point.

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