
Update: my boss is taking advantage

Hi everyone, I posted earlier about my work conditions. I have discussed pay with my boss and he has tried to offer me below the legal minimum wage. I'm going to quit, but I'm scared I won't get paid for all the hours I've worked this year. Full disclaimer, I'm a student and have no experience with this, I don't know what I can legally do in this situation. Does anybody know of any free legal advice I can get?

Hi everyone, I posted earlier about my work conditions. I have discussed pay with my boss and he has tried to offer me below the legal minimum wage. I'm going to quit, but I'm scared I won't get paid for all the hours I've worked this year. Full disclaimer, I'm a student and have no experience with this, I don't know what I can legally do in this situation. Does anybody know of any free legal advice I can get?

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