
Update: My boss wanted to take credit, we found criminal records of him.

Hi, i made a post some days ago, explaining that my manager has been acting in sketchy ways, crashed a company car, and wanted me to cancel a conference the i planned alone, because he was going out of town for a political event. I dont know if i can post links in the posts, if i can, i will edit so you can read the full story. To continue with the update. We had a discussion, and we agreed in making the conference the day that i originally planned. I did set up some form to register the participants, and guess what, we ended up (in numbers) over crowding in 48 hours. The day of the conference, enough people came to fill all of the chairs in the conference room (number of chairs allowed by COVID-19 safety meassures, and remember, my country is about 90% vaccinated, anti maskers are…

Hi, i made a post some days ago, explaining that my manager has been acting in sketchy ways, crashed a company car, and wanted me to cancel a conference the i planned alone, because he was going out of town for a political event.

I dont know if i can post links in the posts, if i can, i will edit so you can read the full story.

To continue with the update. We had a discussion, and we agreed in making the conference the day that i originally planned. I did set up some form to register the participants, and guess what, we ended up (in numbers) over crowding in 48 hours. The day of the conference, enough people came to fill all of the chairs in the conference room (number of chairs allowed by COVID-19 safety meassures, and remember, my country is about 90% vaccinated, anti maskers are virtually non existent, and people are getting third doses).

The conference was a total success, people were pleased by it, the speaker was absolutely pleased, and things were ok.

2 days later my manager was still not back, and i went alone to a community meeting in a town about 1 and a half hours away from the state capital city. That meeting was also a success, but my manager was angry again, for going there alone, where he couldn't take any credit.

But that week, we got some golden information.
I got a call from a woman, coming from the capital city of my country. This woman was working in a logistics department in the same company, she works alongside with the CEO. She said she got the report of the car accident my manager had, and she inmediately knew who he was. Turns out, this woman was born in my city, and her father still lives here. They are from a poor neighborhood, the same one my manager used to live at some years ago.

My manager turns out to be a thug. Not only that, he comes from a family of thugs. He and his brothers were known for stealing, threatening, and doing some other thug activities. The father of this woman is currently living alone at his home, and some years ago my manager and his brothers did beat up this old man, threatened to get him killed, and after they kill him, they would live at his house.

The neighbors saw all of that, and they were pissed, so the neighborhood kicked the whole family out of the area, and started living in the small apartment where they al currently live, the woman and her other brothers also got involved to protect their father, did a police report, and sued my manager. The case is still open, but no arrests were ever made.

Turns out, she told this whole story to the CEO of the company, then, my regional manager was told, other people at the company was told, i was the last one to get the news, and turns out, some people i know are his old neighbors, and they confirmed the story to me.

The thing is, my manager doesnt know that i know, im currently putting the friendly face, and havent change how i act at the office with him, and havent talk shit about him with other people, on the surface, nothing has changed, but that part of my plan to guard my back. Ill be waiting for my regional manager to make a move. He is a middle age, very polite and diplomatic man, he is also the one who can get my current manager removed at the spot.

I got recognition at the company, the other managers knows that i am always at the office, and they know i care about this company (i know, is silly to care about a company that can replace you at any moment, but ive been around this environment since i was like 10yo, because my mom did work here before, other managers has known me since i was a child, and they know i care about my job). On the other side, my manager has built a reputation for only caring about his own political career, never being at the office, using a company car to go drinking with friends, and of course, crashing a company car. Im not sure how many at the company head quarters know about his criminal background, but soon enough, everyone will know.

I know this is a long post, english is my second language so mistake were made, i would answered questions and fill some holes you might have, and depending on how things go, the future updates will be at the prorevenge sub.

Thanks for reading.

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