
UPDATE: My boss won’t let me quit to see my sick fiance

Original: My boss won't let me quit to see my sick fiance My boss won't let me quit to be with my sick fiance. My (22M) fiance (21M) currently lives in America, we've been together for 2 years. The plan is that he moves in with me, it's been his dream ever since we started talking about moving in together. I recently got a job at a grocery store, I started off with a year contract with a 2 month trial period. Due to bad performance I got pressured to sign a new contract without being given the chance to read it. This contract lasts 6 months and has a trial period of 1 month. My fiance got very sick, he can hardly breathe on his own. He gets abused by hospital staff for being transgender. I told him that I wanted to be there for him seeing as I'm…

My boss won't let me quit to see my sick fiance

My boss won't let me quit to be with my sick fiance.

My (22M) fiance (21M) currently lives in America, we've been together for 2 years. The plan is that he moves in with me, it's been his dream ever since we started talking about moving in together.

I recently got a job at a grocery store, I started off with a year contract with a 2 month trial period. Due to bad performance I got pressured to sign a new contract without being given the chance to read it. This contract lasts 6 months and has a trial period of 1 month. My fiance got very sick, he can hardly breathe on his own. He gets abused by hospital staff for being transgender.

I told him that I wanted to be there for him seeing as I'm the only one that's fit enough to fly. All his family members are states away as well. I'm the only one that's available to take care of him.

Or I would be if my boss didn't say I have to finish my contract first, he said he would dile a damage claim against me if I quit earlier. It would be around 3500€. My boss says that this is for my own good, but I see right through that bullshit. The government pays him 60% of my salary back to him because of my disability, I'm just his cash cow.

I'm losing my mind, my fiance is losing his mind from being sick, alone and mistreated by the very people that are SUPPOSED to treat him. I would do anything to be able to see him but I won't be given that opportunity because exploiting a disabled person for money is higher on this old man's list than humanity.

EDIT: I made this post more to vent but I appreciate everyone trying to help. For some extra info I live in The Netherlands. Due to my disabilities I have been appointed a guide, the guide says that it's true my boss can ask for damage claims. Looking into the law myself I don't think he is wrong.

I am searching for a lawyer and a journalist willing to pick this up. I tried peaceful solutions and I ran out of patience, my fiance needs me so I'm going to be on the offense now. Wish me luck!

So two people that were supposed to take care of this voiced light support kept on passing the buck of confronting my boss. It took 2-3 weeks for any meaningful update and that's only because one of these guys quit.

I had a one on one session with a guy from the government, last time I talked to him he showed support, I actually thought he would take care of this. Instead he said I am too focused to the point I am obsessed, that should just learn to keep pushing through because that's a valuable skill in the workplace.

He called me stubborn (Wasn't I supposed to push through?) I mentioned that this guy is clearly milking me for my disability. In myast post I said he gets 60% of my salary back from the government. A salary inspector had to improve that and he kept going off about how bad I am at my job. I believed him at the time and was disappointed in myself, however 2 weeks after that there was a 10 minute conversation about how I give fine work and he NEVER said I performed poorly. He clearly USED my disabilities to get money.

The guy from the government acknowledged he shouldn't get 60% of my salary paid back (so basically fraud) and he will take it away. I ended up having a public meltdown, of course I moved somewhere more private.

Despite this my boss came and yelled at me to start acting normal and to “ACT LIKE I GROWN MAN.” I was so flabbergasted I got a moment of clarity and in tears I asked if he sincerely believes that's going to help. He said yes.

What makes this comment more annoying is that he always calls me a boy and often suggests someone talks to my mom about problem. I guess what makes me a boy or a man is whatever is convenient at the moment.

Regardless there's no happy ending this time. Some people are going to comment to just leave but unfortunately filing for damage claims is perfectly legal and possible. I wouldn't even be able to go to my fiance if I had to pay that so I'm stuck. I want to thank everyone for their support, I'm sorry I couldn't give a more positive update.

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