
UPDATE: My co-worker told me I make $40k less than the person I replaced 3 years ago. Was instantly inspired to send this to management.

Finally got some response from my new bosses on this letter, and was met with a counteroffer of a $12k raise, and 3 extra days of PTO. I countered again, indicating I would need the full 34% in order to be able to stay on. This is where the good part comes in… The higher level boss got fired up, and started to try and argue that I wouldn’t see a better offer. They then tried to grill me with the following nonsense: “You’ve been working from home for about two years now, right?” I of course said yes, and in that time, I’ve been able to become even more efficient. They retorted with, “Well, if you’ve been working from home for that long, seems to me that you’ve probably saved a lot on gas, RIGHT?! So I don’t see why you’re claiming things are so expensive for you…” I…

Finally got some response from my new bosses on this letter, and was met with a counteroffer of a $12k raise, and 3 extra days of PTO. I countered again, indicating I would need the full 34% in order to be able to stay on. This is where the good part comes in… The higher level boss got fired up, and started to try and argue that I wouldn’t see a better offer.

They then tried to grill me with the following nonsense: “You’ve been working from home for about two years now, right?” I of course said yes, and in that time, I’ve been able to become even more efficient. They retorted with, “Well, if you’ve been working from home for that long, seems to me that you’ve probably saved a lot on gas, RIGHT?! So I don’t see why you’re claiming things are so expensive for you…” I told them with all due respect, the focus here is primarily on my rent jumping up $780 a month, and my current rate not keeping up with overall inflation; both items which I clearly pointed out in my letter.

Their final retort before I ended the call was, “I mean, you realize you’re not alone here… Everyone is experiencing inflation, not just you.” They just don’t get it. Both bosses work remotely from the Midwest, where COL is not even close to where I’m at.

Needless to say, I’ll be accepting one of my promising offers tomorrow which STARTS at $52k more than what I’m earning now, burning up my remaining sick and elective days, putting in my notice, and cashing out my remaining vacation.

They’ll literally be left with no one in this branch of the organization, and will not have anyone to replace me or my previously-departed co-worker until the next fiscal year, as I was told “no new headcount is approved until FY23.” Even if they had sweetened the deal, I still would’ve been fucked, having to staff an entire department by myself for another six months. No thanks, I’m good.

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