
Update on per diem

So, my boss gave us per diem after demanding that either we go home every night (2-3 hour drive) or he could figure out how to feed us because we wasn’t making enough to put food in two locations for 4 adults and a child and our bills. He said “$20 it is” while lecturing us on how to spend our money. After I saw I didn’t get per diem and posting it on here. I found out that in Iowa there is no law about it so I don’t have a leg to stand on. I’m still short $22.50 from my last check as I was supposed to be getting a $1 increase per our agreement before I started working with him. This just isn’t worth it anymore. How can ANYONE think it’s legal or justified to have to provide for two locations when it’s work that’s causing this!?

So, my boss gave us per diem after demanding that either we go home every night (2-3 hour drive) or he could figure out how to feed us because we wasn’t making enough to put food in two locations for 4 adults and a child and our bills. He said “$20 it is” while lecturing us on how to spend our money. After I saw I didn’t get per diem and posting it on here. I found out that in Iowa there is no law about it so I don’t have a leg to stand on. I’m still short $22.50 from my last check as I was supposed to be getting a $1 increase per our agreement before I started working with him. This just isn’t worth it anymore. How can ANYONE think it’s legal or justified to have to provide for two locations when it’s work that’s causing this!?

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