
Update to original post

Update to my original post: I called out on Tuesday because I still wasn’t feeling better. At first I was told to come in anyway but I got a call 5mins later from the General Manager telling me not to come in and that if I tested positive for Covid I’d get fired for working sick. I explained I had been told to come in sick that weekend and he told me he’d look into it, in the meantime just test negative and we’ll go from there. I tested negative and sent the results, and got the okay to come in for my weekend shift as long as I was better. Friday I talked to the GM and he explained the manager that told me to come in sick is now being investigated since this isn’t the first incident of this happening and next time if I’m sick do…

Update to my original post:

I called out on Tuesday because I still wasn’t feeling better. At first I was told to come in anyway but I got a call 5mins later from the General Manager telling me not to come in and that if I tested positive for Covid I’d get fired for working sick. I explained I had been told to come in sick that weekend and he told me he’d look into it, in the meantime just test negative and we’ll go from there.

I tested negative and sent the results, and got the okay to come in for my weekend shift as long as I was better. Friday I talked to the GM and he explained the manager that told me to come in sick is now being investigated since this isn’t the first incident of this happening and next time if I’m sick do not come in because I can contaminate the food and staff.

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