
Update to the discrimination scenario

I made a post about this a while ago but ultimately took it down because I didn’t want to risk my work finding it and being let go. But now that the dust has settled I’m going to provide an update. The post went something like this (brief TLDR refresher) [TLDR: Head of dept I want to be hired into has discriminatory tendencies and is actually a massive bitch behind closed doors.] After almost a month of trying to get out of the department I currently work in, a new position opened up. I was told I was set to move into that position. I was willing to take it and try it for a little bit and if I didn’t like it, I was going to walk out and move to another city. I was waiting and waiting for the “grand opening” of this new department which was yesterday.…

I made a post about this a while ago but ultimately took it down because I didn’t want to risk my work finding it and being let go. But now that the dust has settled I’m going to provide an update. The post went something like this (brief TLDR refresher)
[TLDR: Head of dept I want to be hired into has discriminatory tendencies and is actually a massive bitch behind closed doors.]

After almost a month of trying to get out of the department I currently work in, a new position opened up. I was told I was set to move into that position. I was willing to take it and try it for a little bit and if I didn’t like it, I was going to walk out and move to another city.
I was waiting and waiting for the “grand opening” of this new department which was yesterday. My boss then pulled me aside. He said that corporate requires the person in the position that I want to be 25+ (corporate is from a very conservative state so I kinda get it for the nature of the job. I’m being vague to protect my identity here.) I’m not 25 yet so it wasn’t going to work out. I was about ready to turn in my resignation right there until he told me that the lady who was a massive bitch to me before in the dept I originally wanted to move to was on her way out, and they’d be moving me into her position. I start Thursday. I’m glad it all worked out but took their asses long enough. I definitely won’t be staying with this company much longer.

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