
UPDATE: Why Won’t You Work For Free

alright so this is my original post and more bullshit has happened so I decided to update and vent So when I had this conversation it was with one manager, while another sat behind her minding his own business and a manager we are training for a new store sat next to him now I go in the next day (yesterday) and the manager who was minding his business was with me opening. Manager in training comes in to learn prep and they both approach me with “we know how you feel about training and you dont need to train, just let her shadow you and watch you” and this woman literally tells me how she was shocked at what I had said because she had never seen someone stand their ground like that before and set boundaires and how she understood and was on my side and was…

alright so this is my original post

and more bullshit has happened so I decided to update and vent

So when I had this conversation it was with one manager, while another sat behind her minding his own business and a manager we are training for a new store sat next to him

now I go in the next day (yesterday) and the manager who was minding his business was with me opening. Manager in training comes in to learn prep and they both approach me with “we know how you feel about training and you dont need to train, just let her shadow you and watch you” and this woman literally tells me how she was shocked at what I had said because she had never seen someone stand their ground like that before and set boundaires and how she understood and was on my side and was fine without my training, just let her shadow me and watch. so I agree, it's whatever and she's on my side right? well we do our thing, she asks me and the other prep guy questions and we answer and she watches us do our thing and even helps out. everything seems fine right?

Get into work this morning and it's me the other prep and my GM, MIT comes in and within 2min of her being there I'm called into the office. Apparently MIT's first words to him were that his team refused to train her and said I wouldn't answer her questions and so my GM is horribly pissed off at me and basically threatening my job. I had to explain how on my side she was and just wanted to shadow and that I did in fact answer questions and he was basically like “ok well you should probably talk to her and see where the disconnect is” (which im not gonna do, fuck her) and basically was still saying how if im not willing to help the team and blah blah bullshit then he has to “rethink things” which sounds a lot like losing my job or hours. so that's cool

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