
Upper classes in “Western” countries are very antiwork. i believe they made impoverished countries worse to benefit themselves. I feel like im being treated like a slav(e) everywhere i go

Im coming from ukraine. Im trying to find a fair job and a good place to live. The many places i went in Germany the bosses always want to pay me less than the fair hourly rate and on the black. They say “ah you dont speak german, there are many who want this job, i cant be sure youll stay long,” .. the places i try to stay want a deposit and for for few months rent paid immediately. Many people left when the invasion happened but many came back because the west was too expensive and they were being treated like trash. The social media campaign made it seem like they were welcoming refugees with open arms but i think they many just want cheap labor. I think most people got burnt out and they dont care anymore Trying to get as far away from the east for…

Im coming from ukraine. Im trying to find a fair job and a good place to live. The many places i went in Germany the bosses always want to pay me less than the fair hourly rate and on the black. They say “ah you dont speak german, there are many who want this job, i cant be sure youll stay long,” .. the places i try to stay want a deposit and for for few months rent paid immediately. Many people left when the invasion happened but many came back because the west was too expensive and they were being treated like trash.
The social media campaign made it seem like they were welcoming refugees with open arms but i think they many just want cheap labor. I think most people got burnt out and they dont care anymore

Trying to get as far away from the east for a few reasons but i think this winter might get worse even in central europe (expensive heating and less cheap seasonal food) so i think maybe to go to a warmer country like spain eventually but there arent so many jobs.

I think maybe also with usa and central south america could be a similar story

I don't know sorry I just need to rant

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