
US Labor Secretary Marty Walsh indicates that the Biden Administration will push Congress to break up any railroad worker strikes

CNN – Labor Secretary says Congress needs to block rail strikes without new deals If “for some reason [one of the unions] doesn’t get to an agreement with the companies then … Congress will have to take action to avert a strike in our country,” he said. Unfortunately – the scenario I laid out in this post from July 15 is bearing out. Biden is going to urge Congress to block railroad workers from striking, because he helped give them 1 sick day a year. Marty Walsh made it clear as day with these comments. Friends – we must stand in solidarity with the railroad workers – our economy relies on them yet we can't give them basic work life balance? One sick day a year for folks who are on call a majority of their lives? Working 70 hour weeks without any predictability in their schedule?

CNN – Labor Secretary says Congress needs to block rail strikes without new deals

If “for some reason [one of the unions] doesn’t get to an agreement with the companies then … Congress will have to take action to avert a strike in our country,” he said.

Unfortunately – the scenario I laid out in this post from July 15 is bearing out. Biden is going to urge Congress to block railroad workers from striking, because he helped give them 1 sick day a year. Marty Walsh made it clear as day with these comments.

Friends – we must stand in solidarity with the railroad workers – our economy relies on them yet we can't give them basic work life balance? One sick day a year for folks who are on call a majority of their lives? Working 70 hour weeks without any predictability in their schedule?

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