
USA Capitalism focks the workers, not in the rest of the world (mostly)

The problem with America is its constitution that allows corporations to control politics which control laws which hurt the average American worker. Let me explain… Here in good old socialist New Zealand we get guaranteed by law:…(summary only, there are many rules/exceptions): 1) Min wage $21.20 (USD12.70 odd), reviewed annually I think. Cannot be paid less if an adult over 16. 2) Minimum 20 days paid vacation leave after 1 year, most employers allow partial use before 1 year (never heard of an employer refuse). 3) Parental leave is complicated but if you meet the employment limits (12months etc.) Mother entitled to: • 10 days special leave (if pregnant) • 26 weeks primary carer leave • 26 weeks parental leave payment • 52 weeks unpaid extended leave. Fathers can qualify for 18 weeks after a birth in addition to the above for the mother. 4) You can be fired for:…

The problem with America is its constitution that allows corporations to control politics which control laws which hurt the average American worker.

Let me explain…

Here in good old socialist New Zealand we get guaranteed by law:…(summary only, there are many rules/exceptions):

1) Min wage $21.20 (USD12.70 odd), reviewed annually I think. Cannot be paid less if an adult over 16.

2) Minimum 20 days paid vacation leave after 1 year, most employers allow partial use before 1 year (never heard of an employer refuse).

3) Parental leave is complicated but if you meet the employment limits (12months etc.) Mother entitled to: • 10 days special leave (if pregnant) • 26 weeks primary carer leave • 26 weeks parental leave payment • 52 weeks unpaid extended leave.

Fathers can qualify for 18 weeks after a birth in addition to the above for the mother.

4) You can be fired for: • Telling lies in your job application • Sexually harassing or assaulting co-workers • Complaining about your company on social media • Sharing company secrets with competitors • Being dishonest – especially stealing from the company or breaking other laws • Breaching company policies on things such as viewing pornography, and misusing company phones and email • Breaking health and safety procedures • Repeated poor performance or failing to complete assigned work.

You cannot be fired for anything else.

5) If fired you get paid out all holiday leave (20 days per annum) accrued and due for partial years. You even get paid for public holidays that are within your accrued leave window on departure.

6) Sick pay is 10 days per year and can be accrued to 20 days or more if agreed (not sure on the 20 limit, not an employee any more). Proof can be required, but I never had an employer ask (some years back).

7) Pensions (Kiwisaver) are optional at the employees choice, 3% each from employee/employer, if agreed the rate can be higher up to 10% (rare).

8) Public Holidays: 11 days per year, (in addition to annual leave), if required to work penal rates of 1.5 apply plus a day in lieu is required to be given as well. Some exceptions.

9) Family Violence leave: 10 days, proof required.

10) Bereavement leave: 3 days for family, 1 day for close friends/associates.

11) Employers cannot change your terms of employment unless you agree or the law changes.

12) Employers must consult with you twice before they can fire you for performance related reasons and you can have a witness at your choice. Can get complex.

13) Redundancy is restricted and not a common thing as it requires the employer to go through a formal process. The employee has no extra benefits unless the employment contract says so.

14) Zero hours contracts are illegal (since 2016).

15) Contractors have no protection, a lot of employees are covered by one to one contracts not unions, unions can negotiate of course.

16) No one on one contract can negate the above benefits or obligations.

17) Health care is free, Doctors visits can cost from $18 on up, waiting lists exist (longer now=covid).

18) Everyone at age 65 gets a pension of $460 plus a week (after tax), does not change (except tax bracket) if you have private pension or Kiwisaver as detailed above. Does not mean you HAVE to retire at 65, most do.

19) Income Tax is collected by the employer. A tax return is not needed unless you are an investor or self employed etc. 90% of employees don't need to do a tax return EVER, the tax dep't does it.

20) Working for Families: Is a system that the tax department operates to help low income workers. Example: $35,000 income before tax with two children will get $360 a week plus would also get an extra $120 (from another agency) if they paid rent of $350 a week (commonly more).

21) If you become unemployed you get a benefit called Jobseeker around $300 for an individual with addons for kids and rent etc.

22) If you cannot work for health reasons you get a bit more.

23) If you have accident you get a payment called accident compensation that is based on your income with an upper limit, this system also covers rehabilitation etc.

24) Tax rates max out at 39% (for $180k plus) but even people on the minimum wage pay 10.5%.

25) Student loans have no interest if you stay and work in NZ (interest free loan).

There are scumbag employers alright but not many and I never had one. NZ does not have food stamps, we do have people living on the edge in cars etc. but nothing on the scale of San Francisco for example.

There may be other benefits that I am not aware of but this covers the basics for an employee in paid work in NZ and what they are entitled to in general.

I see that most of America has very little protection for most hourly paid workers and this shocks me. NZ has by no means a generous government and most of Europe is way better off than we are.

American workers have my sympathy and you need to get business out of politics and government as that's why you have such employer friendly laws (IMHO).

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