
Using a bank and trusting a financial advisor that cannot work excel in 2022 is equivalent to still using film cameras or renting from blockbuster.

Times are changing. Time after time we learn about our “too big to fail institutions” taking advantage of us. Hell, $200B collected in overdraft fees recently. Numerous Hedgefunds losing pensions and other investments. Stocks oversold and no regulation but wrist slaps. Hedgefunds do not add value to our economy in their current state. They need to be replaced with DAOs. Community. Value. Look into becoming your own bank. Stop renting from blockbuster, stop using Kodak film, stop calling taxis, stop using the pay phone. Not even the cool kids use a centralized, friend based social media like Facebook anymore. If we take the power away from money, you will have to provide value. Then we will rebuild.

Times are changing.

Time after time we learn about our “too big to fail institutions” taking advantage of us. Hell, $200B collected in overdraft fees recently. Numerous Hedgefunds losing pensions and other investments. Stocks oversold and no regulation but wrist slaps.

Hedgefunds do not add value to our economy in their current state.

They need to be replaced with DAOs.

Community. Value.

Look into becoming your own bank. Stop renting from blockbuster, stop using Kodak film, stop calling taxis, stop using the pay phone. Not even the cool kids use a centralized, friend based social media like Facebook anymore.

If we take the power away from money, you will have to provide value. Then we will rebuild.

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