
Vent About A Terrible Boss

I need to vent about the week I've had with my boss. It just got so fucking absurd today. I'm ready to just walk out. For context, I've been at this job for almost three years. My boss has been an issue pretty much from day one. She's incredibly passive-aggressive, someone you cannot communicate with and is just one of those people who is always having a bad day and everything is constantly negative….but of course it's always someone else's fault. This particular incident started off last week when my boss sent me and email asking me to have lunch with her that following Monday. Now, when my boss says “come have lunch” what she means is “I'm going to take you to a restaurant somewhere, give you shit for 20 minutes about how she thinks your awful, then have to make awkward small talk until we can leave.” So…

I need to vent about the week I've had with my boss. It just got so fucking absurd today. I'm ready to just walk out. For context, I've been at this job for almost three years. My boss has been an issue pretty much from day one. She's incredibly passive-aggressive, someone you cannot communicate with and is just one of those people who is always having a bad day and everything is constantly negative….but of course it's always someone else's fault.

This particular incident started off last week when my boss sent me and email asking me to have lunch with her that following Monday. Now, when my boss says “come have lunch” what she means is “I'm going to take you to a restaurant somewhere, give you shit for 20 minutes about how she thinks your awful, then have to make awkward small talk until we can leave.”
So this has happened to me before, and I think it's super unprofessional. So I emailed her back politely declining lunch, but said that we could find a time today or Monday to go over or discuss whatever we needed to (and there was about an hour and half left in the day).

So come Monday, she had completely ignored my email (and never responded), and for the next three days actively ignored me. Then today, after a full day of stomping around stating how she was “too busy for all this shit” she had to do and just being the disgruntled person she is, she randomly tells me to meet her in our boardroom.
She then proceeds to straight up yell at me. Tells me that she doesn't know if I should be here anymore, stating that “I walk around here like I'm better than everyone, and I need to find whatever bug is up my ugly ass and deal with it.” ( a direct quote).

I'm totally caught off guard with that accusation, but she wont let me get a word in. Goes on about how I have such an attitude, I don't like her, I don't want to be part of the team, ect.
All of which is simply not true. I get along great with my co-workers, we all work together well.
I try to steer this into an actual conversation, speaking calmly and ask her for some examples of any accusations she threw my way….she didn't have any.
It was also clear she was so personally offended I declined lunch with her. Umm…are we twelve??? What the hell?

After a few more minutes, it's clear she's not going to have an actual professional conversation with me. I suggest we leave this and come back to it when tensions aren't as high and I left the room.
If I didn't need a paycheque, I would've walked out right then. I'm so done with this woman.

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