
[vent] does anyone else believe attendance points systems to be an unethical practice?

i can understand the usual “3 no calls and you're out” thing, but calling out a day prior because of really any reason shouldn't be a mark against you, and oftentimes employers make the bar for termination with points so low that it just feels like another way to screw over the worker. i miss when i didn't have an “occurrence” weighed against me for unforeseen circumstances. many of my jobs didn't even allow me to accrue sick time to cover those days unless i went full time, and even then it took a year to essentially cover one sick day. the whole system just makes me feel guilty taking a day or two off even just for my own mental health.

i can understand the usual “3 no calls and you're out” thing, but calling out a day prior because of really any reason shouldn't be a mark against you, and oftentimes employers make the bar for termination with points so low that it just feels like another way to screw over the worker. i miss when i didn't have an “occurrence” weighed against me for unforeseen circumstances. many of my jobs didn't even allow me to accrue sick time to cover those days unless i went full time, and even then it took a year to essentially cover one sick day. the whole system just makes me feel guilty taking a day or two off even just for my own mental health.

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