
[Vent] It’s 90 degrees at work today

I work in an exotic pet shop. Our AC has been broken for over a week now and I checked the thermostat and it’s up to 90 now in the store. We have shitty ventilation as it is, and plus we have constant heat lamps going for our reptiles. The job is very physically demanding as most of the tasks are very laborious. They said “HVAC is coming today to fix it.” But I have doubts. It’s hot as hell here in Texas and I’m absolutely soaked in sweat. I feel nauseous and lethargic and I feel like my breathing is shallow. On top of everything…. There are construction workers replacing the roof of our building with fucking tar. So there’s hot tar being actively mixed in the parking lot so the whole inside reeks of tar….. I feel so nauseous.

I work in an exotic pet shop. Our AC has been broken for over a week now and I checked the thermostat and it’s up to 90 now in the store. We have shitty ventilation as it is, and plus we have constant heat lamps going for our reptiles. The job is very physically demanding as most of the tasks are very laborious. They said “HVAC is coming today to fix it.” But I have doubts. It’s hot as hell here in Texas and I’m absolutely soaked in sweat. I feel nauseous and lethargic and I feel like my breathing is shallow. On top of everything…. There are construction workers replacing the roof of our building with fucking tar. So there’s hot tar being actively mixed in the parking lot so the whole inside reeks of tar….. I feel so nauseous.

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