
Very important thread : We (America) are in big trouble. Many people are loaded with debt and the younger generations are unable to start a family, buy a home or cover their day to day expense. Has anyone ever fled the country to start a new life with the plan on not paying the debt back ?

We are at a turning point in history, where society is moving backwards and progress is at a net negative. Most of us are chained to the 9-5 life (or more) with massive debt. Is this the American dream where all we do is work and unable to enjoy life ? Society encourages each other to start a family, buy a home, get a new car, consumerism etc. How can we succeed if we are loaded with debt and working our ass off until the age of 65-70. Imagine you worked 40years of your life and then at the end, it took you 40 years to pay off all of your debt or at least the mortgage… this is no way to live. I don’t even want to get started with IRAs and retirement funds where eventually your primary retirement fund will eventually get wipe out from each recession or…

We are at a turning point in history, where society is moving backwards and progress is at a net negative. Most of us are chained to the 9-5 life (or more) with massive debt. Is this the American dream where all we do is work and unable to enjoy life ?

Society encourages each other to start a family, buy a home, get a new car, consumerism etc. How can we succeed if we are loaded with debt and working our ass off until the age of 65-70. Imagine you worked 40years of your life and then at the end, it took you 40 years to pay off all of your debt or at least the mortgage… this is no way to live. I don’t even want to get started with IRAs and retirement funds where eventually your primary retirement fund will eventually get wipe out from each recession or market crash ….investing in the S&P is no longer feasible with inflation being in the double digits…

My thoughts are, take out a massive loan, leave the country, start fresh and become successful else where. If I make it big (which I’m planning to) I’ll even pay back the old debt..
I have read several articles where Americans are leaving their country with massive debt and student loans with the plan on not paying it back or returning to their country. Was wondering if anyone can provide any insights on this and the consequences ? Again I’m talking about debt (not taxes) two different things. I will always pay my taxes

Edit : pt 2 I recently traveled across Asia and met many Americans where they sold their home, paid off all their debts with sale proceeds and moved to asia to start fresh.

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