
Very serious question: how many of you are suicidal due to work-induced stress and depression?

Say you love the outputs of your job. Say your job has a wonderful purpose and does good for the world. Say you've been doing your job for 10+ years and you've consistently and gladly given 100-150%, yet you've always been a bit bothered by being underpaid. Say you work for an entity where you deal multiple funders, such as government funding sources, private company funding sources, and foundations as well. Say all these funders – due to the global situation – are getting pedantic with respect to their funding and you find yourself giving 150-200%, working sometimes 15+ hours per day. Say your personality is change-averse and you feel your back is against the wall. You fear either being driven to mental/health detriment with the current situation or facing the fear of change (prior a looming recession no less). Say you learned yesterday that an old friend and colleague…

Say you love the outputs of your job. Say your job has a wonderful purpose and does good for the world.

Say you've been doing your job for 10+ years and you've consistently and gladly given 100-150%, yet you've always been a bit bothered by being underpaid.

Say you work for an entity where you deal multiple funders, such as government funding sources, private company funding sources, and foundations as well. Say all these funders – due to the global situation – are getting pedantic with respect to their funding and you find yourself giving 150-200%, working sometimes 15+ hours per day.

Say your personality is change-averse and you feel your back is against the wall. You fear either being driven to mental/health detriment with the current situation or facing the fear of change (prior a looming recession no less).

Say you learned yesterday that an old friend and colleague committed suicide due to work burnout.

Say you feel like ending it all is the most simple solution to all the stress.

Is that you? Is anyone else out there?

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