
Views on advice to Graduates

Occasionally I come across male graduates who tell me of their challenges in securing their first professional roles. My advice to them? Wear a ring at the interview. By law interviewers are not allowed to ask personal questions about marital status, religion etc…What happens is Interviewers eyes track down to the ring finger. In their minds they calculate (1) He's committed (2) He's got responsibilities (3) Probably has a mortgage (4) Wants to start a family..etc.. Then, I tell them to stay in that job until they have enough experience (~1-2yrs) where they feel confident to abandon the employer and move on..

Occasionally I come across male graduates who tell me of their challenges in securing their first professional roles. My advice to them?
Wear a ring at the interview. By law interviewers are not allowed to ask personal questions about marital status, religion etc…What happens is Interviewers eyes track down to the ring finger.
In their minds they calculate (1) He's committed (2) He's got responsibilities (3) Probably has a mortgage (4) Wants to start a family..etc..
Then, I tell them to stay in that job until they have enough experience (~1-2yrs) where they feel confident to abandon the employer and move on..

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