
Violence May Be Unavoidable

Not going to rant. Not going to postulate. We all know it's getting worse. Religious extremists hold substantial political power. Their sympathizers and party members are heavily armed. The mainstream opposition party to theo-fascists is center-right and opposed to fundamental change or an armed populace, and a large amount of their supporters think the same way. We don't all need to be armed. But we do all need to start building networks of support for when shit falls apart. Don't want to own a gun? That's fine. Learn how to garden, or go take an emergency first response class. Anything. Literally anything. Talk with your friends, or even online. Figure out what skills you might have, and figure out how to share them. We are witnessing the Crumbles, and will more likely than not witness Collapse. We can't have a labor revolution when we are backsliding into Theocratic fascism. But,…

Not going to rant. Not going to postulate.

We all know it's getting worse.

Religious extremists hold substantial political power.

Their sympathizers and party members are heavily armed.

The mainstream opposition party to theo-fascists is center-right and opposed to fundamental change or an armed populace, and a large amount of their supporters think the same way.

We don't all need to be armed. But we do all need to start building networks of support for when shit falls apart.

Don't want to own a gun? That's fine. Learn how to garden, or go take an emergency first response class. Anything.

Literally anything. Talk with your friends, or even online. Figure out what skills you might have, and figure out how to share them.

We are witnessing the Crumbles, and will more likely than not witness Collapse.

We can't have a labor revolution when we are backsliding into Theocratic fascism.

But, out of the Syrian Civil War, Rojava was born.

Get ready, and enjoy the pleasantries while they last.

Much love everyone. Stay safe, stay vigilant.

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