
Voting to Unionize Tomorrow…Wish Us Luck

At the begining of the year the company I work for generously gave the janitorial staff a whole 60 cent raise. This did not go over well with my coworkers who wanted to walk out right there. I convinced them to give me some time seek out a union to make our voices truly heard. That day I went to a labor union local to me; after a few meetings with myself and some coworkers we signed union cards. Tomorrow we vote, as long as everyone who signed a card votes yes then the company I work for will have to negotiate for better pay.

At the begining of the year the company I work for generously gave the janitorial staff a whole 60 cent raise. This did not go over well with my coworkers who wanted to walk out right there. I convinced them to give me some time seek out a union to make our voices truly heard. That day I went to a labor union local to me; after a few meetings with myself and some coworkers we signed union cards. Tomorrow we vote, as long as everyone who signed a card votes yes then the company I work for will have to negotiate for better pay.

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