
Wage Theft or Not???

After 6 years of loyalty to my employer, I'm done. Done seeing employees that genuinely enjoy their jobs and actually take pride in their work passed over for raises for employees that own bass boats and take the boss on fishing trips every weekend. (I work in a weld/fabrication shop in a small town where everyone knows everyone and, as it was put to me, your welds are like your signiture.) Done waiting for my chance to prove that I can be a good leader, just to train the last 2 shop leadmen I had. Done. The final straw was last week, my employer stated that in order for an employee to get paid for their unused vacation hours, they would have to give a two weeks notice and work the 2 weeks. After some online research, I believe my employer has been committing wage theft for several years, but…

After 6 years of loyalty to my employer, I'm done. Done seeing employees that genuinely enjoy their jobs and actually take pride in their work passed over for raises for employees that own bass boats and take the boss on fishing trips every weekend. (I work in a weld/fabrication shop in a small town where everyone knows everyone and, as it was put to me, your welds are like your signiture.) Done waiting for my chance to prove that I can be a good leader, just to train the last 2 shop leadmen I had. Done.

The final straw was last week, my employer stated that in order for an employee to get paid for their unused vacation hours, they would have to give a two weeks notice and work the 2 weeks.

After some online research, I believe my employer has been committing wage theft for several years, but I would like to know if that's the case or I'm jumping to conclusions.

  1. My employer allows us to clock in at 5:53 AM, 7 minutes prior to our shift beginns. Are they required to pay us for those 7 minutes?

  2. Any employee that clocks in 1 minute late has their time rounded up to the next quarter hour. If I clock in at 6:01, my clock in time sent to payroll is listed at 6:15. This means I'm working for free from 6:01-6:15. Is this illegal?

I apologize now for any errors/issues that need to be clarified upon. I'm just furious that my company loyalty surpassed my company's loyalty to me.

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