Hello all, I work in a grocery store after hours stocking shelves among other smaller duties. I work part time only about 3 shifts a week and during each of my shifts I just so happen to have to use the bathroom, bowel movement to be specific. This is every shift because I have a sensitive stomach, what I think might be IBS and also what I eat during the day has to come out eventually. A couple of my coworkers have a problem with the frequency I go to the bathroom however we are each assigned to 6 halves of aisles that we all do each night. I always get my halves done before my shift ends and we’ve never finished a shift without being completely done with all our work.
One of my managers informed me that my coworkers were going to “report” me to our head manager that I use the restroom too much and that he would catch flack for it. In California, an employer cannot discourage you from using the restroom in anyway, it would be breaking a labor law. What should I do to best prevent myself from being discriminated against ? And what do I do if I am discriminated against ? Thank you all.