
Waiting for the Ass Mananger to Fire Herself

This is a bit of a rant/vent, but I thought it would be appreciated here. Background: I have been Acting Assistant Manager in customer service/retail for over 1.5 years. I learn quick, I am efficient (when I’m not dead on my feet), and I absolutely know what I Don’t Know. Store was training a New Lady (O) to be Ass Manager for another store. No biggie; we do this all the time. I cannot, by Policy, be promoted to Asst Manager, so I said, verbatim, “If O works out when I get back from vacation, offer her My Job.” Boss did so before I left for vacation. Cue to Present: Boss is On Vacation. We All would let the store burn to the ground before calling him. And he’s on Vacay, so the chances of him answering the phone are slim to NONE. O can’t lead, can’t manage, can’t remember…

This is a bit of a rant/vent, but I thought it would be appreciated here.

Background: I have been Acting Assistant Manager in customer service/retail for over 1.5 years. I learn quick, I am efficient (when I’m not dead on my feet), and I absolutely know what I Don’t Know. Store was training a New Lady (O) to be Ass Manager for another store. No biggie; we do this all the time. I cannot, by Policy, be promoted to Asst Manager, so I said, verbatim, “If O works out when I get back from vacation, offer her My Job.” Boss did so before I left for vacation.

Cue to Present: Boss is On Vacation. We All would let the store burn to the ground before calling him. And he’s on Vacay, so the chances of him answering the phone are slim to NONE.

O can’t lead, can’t manage, can’t remember what times Things Need To Be Checked, can’t remember any of her passwords to anything (including the safe that all of us…even the new guy learned in 5 minutes), can’t even count down her drawer…plays power moves wherever and whenever she feels like she can get away with it…. Oh, and is consistently 15-120 minutes late, when she actually shows up.

In short: We all Hate her. Loathe. Her.

It’s one thing to have quirks. We ALL have quirks. It’s quite another to Lord It Over Everyone when you don’t know and can’t handle the simplest of shit.

She doesn’t know that All Of The Regulars have Corporate’s number and will call at any given slight. (Yes, we have that kind of customer base…I really love and respect all of our regulars, despite this.)

Her one day of Paperwork, on which she has been training for two months, was effed so bad we (myself and a manager from another store) had to get Corporate to fix it.

It’s her Sink Or Swim time and I’m really hoping I don’t have to throw her a life preserver. I really also hope that I don’t have to “mean girl” her out. I am not above that, but I love my coworkers too much to have them put up with her for years.

It’s also a really terrible time for me to have to Go Into Work And Put Out Fires, but hey, if it needs done, I will get it done. E.g., I already have a contingency plan in place, with the agreement of the two staff that it will affect, if O decides to be a no-call, no-show again this weekend (reminder: Ass Manager was a no-call, no-show last weekend).

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