
walked out during my shift.

Hello I'm UK based, today after my 1h break i walked away from my work because I've been promised a contract from my boss for the past 4 weeks. Let me give you some background, I'm in the process of getting a property and i recently changed my job ( 2 months ago), i have to say the new work place it's actually alright altough being very busy. I've been hired on a 0 hours contract but after a month i asked my boss if he could get me a full time and permanent contract because I need a mortgage and due to my circumstances the lenders would require it. Initially he said yes and promised me a 40h contract, permanent etc. Here is were the problem started, after a week he seemed to have forgotten my request and so i had to ask him again, after that the best…

Hello I'm UK based, today after my 1h break i walked away from my work because I've been promised a contract from my boss for the past 4 weeks. Let me give you some background, I'm in the process of getting a property and i recently changed my job ( 2 months ago), i have to say the new work place it's actually alright altough being very busy. I've been hired on a 0 hours contract but after a month i asked my boss if he could get me a full time and permanent contract because I need a mortgage and due to my circumstances the lenders would require it. Initially he said yes and promised me a 40h contract, permanent etc. Here is were the problem started, after a week he seemed to have forgotten my request and so i had to ask him again, after that the best he could do was writing a letter to me confirming my employment status, of course it wasn't enough for the lenders, i asked him again and he came up with 2 more letters because he said writing a contract took to long and he is a busy man. Keep in mind that this back and forth was causing me lot of stress because meanwhile my offer for the property was accepted and all i needed was a stupid full time contract to show to the mortgage advisor. After messaging about my problem and being completely ignored as per usual, today I had enough and after my break I let his daughter know that i wasn't coming back to work until i had a contract in front of me ready to sign. After 1 hour he called me back asking why I left my work place during my shift and saying that he spent the last 2 hours working on my contract (bullshits), i just explained how he made me feel and how there was no point for me keep working there if i couldn't get a contract, I've been asked to come back tonight but i said i was home already and i was done for the day. He said I've been disrespectful for leaving and how he was leaning by back making me 3 letters and now by writing a contract, so eventually we agreed me coming back tomorrow as scheduled to sign the contract and have a word about my behavior today. Do you guys think i was wrong by leaving like that?
Sorry for the broken English.

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