
Walked Out Of A Job Yesterday

I made a post yesterday but it wasn't super detailed. I walked out of a job yesterday due to being spoken to like shit. It started as a three month review. We had a rocky start. Long story short, they are very paranoid about Covid and wanted me to stay home when a) my husband had covid and b) when I had symptoms. At some point she decided I was lying (even though I was at work just being honest I had symptoms) and she lied and said they had to shut the whole office down for five days only for me to find out it wasn't true. Things settled down and everything was OK. Obviously I kept my boundaries because I am cautious especially at a new job. Last week, I was starting to get annoyed. I have one co worker who is very nice but she is always…

I made a post yesterday but it wasn't super detailed. I walked out of a job yesterday due to being spoken to like shit. It started as a three month review.

We had a rocky start. Long story short, they are very paranoid about Covid and wanted me to stay home when a) my husband had covid and b) when I had symptoms. At some point she decided I was lying (even though I was at work just being honest I had symptoms) and she lied and said they had to shut the whole office down for five days only for me to find out it wasn't true. Things settled down and everything was OK. Obviously I kept my boundaries because I am cautious especially at a new job.

Last week, I was starting to get annoyed. I have one co worker who is very nice but she is always working on things that have nothing to do with work. I have no issue with this. I have an issue with their being different expectations for me. Her husband called her to tell her the neighbour's garbage was not taken. She was very upset and was texting the neighbor, trying to call the town. She was calling around ordering a birthday cake for her kid. She is on the phone to her husband just chatting a large part of the day. She is always scrolling on her phone. Again, I have no problem with this.

I live close and stupidly enough I told them that from the jump. Last week there was a storm, and my manager very weirdly came out and announced the other two would be going home early as they live further and I'd be staying. I thought it was weird but also wanted them to be safe but whatever.

The Friday, we have a short lunch and leave early. I went on my thirty minute lunch and was back on time as always. They were still in the break room for another ten minutes when we all left at once. So after working my ass off everyday, trying to find the most menial task to keep busy, I thought fuck it and went on my phone to check my email for literally two minutes. The manager makes some snide remarks that I should always be doing something. I ask her what she wants, she gives me some dumb task that isn't pertinent and I do it.

So yesterday, she brings me in the office for my three month review. My performance was apparently great. The other girls thought I was helpful and was making a difference. But her first topic was thunderstorms. She wanted me to commit to staying when there is inclement weather so the other women can leave. I thought it was weird to bring up ahead of time? Like, if it's actively happening that's one thing but what if the storm is in my town too?? And why was it so emphasized they would be leaving early? It made me wonder how often these “storms” were going to happen. With a gnarly Canadian winter coming up, I knew what she was really getting at. She's made multiple comments about how they are allowed to work from home but I'm not. About how someone always has to be there to answer the phones. It comes out that since they moved offices they had to make an agreement with the ladies to get them to come alone.

She then tries to tell me about how we are not to get distracted by phones and non work related things. I've obviously heard this before and adhered to it, but she was openly telling me that it was more strict for me since I was new. I was very professional and well spoken and did politely say I think rules should be for everyone. Even if they work on their phones, if there is a no social media rule, it should be for everyone. She denied that was happening. I very politely brought up an event I observed last week where they were all shopping online for my coworkers MLM gig and they were all putting in orders and shit. This went on for a good ten minutes. So my coworker can sell her Monat from her phone right beside me but I have to work under a completely different regime? The stuff I've seen there. The 20 minute gossip sessions, ordering fireplaces to work for Christmas and spending twenty minutes moving and storing it and talking about which kid it's for. I spoke up for myself and politely refused to be treated completely different for glorified minimum wage.

She freaked the hell out on me and started yelling at me about things that had nothing to do with what I was talking about. Then she abruptly told me to leave her office and that she was done with the conversation, and then made a really seething comment basically saying what I need to do (in that “listen here little missy) way boomers speak to younger people and said “YOU need to mind your own buisness. Sit down, do your work, don't say anything and don't get distracted!!! That's what YOU need to do” pointing her finger at me. I worked for another three hours, SHAKING. I was horrified. When she yelled at me, I was very calm and just said I feel like you are getting defensive and I've upset you but I'm trying to reach an understanding but she just kept screaming over me. I left for my lunch and since its a small office (6 other people- one of them never there and is owner and the other two brother and father of owner) and the remaining three women are very close, so when I left for lunch I said my usual have a good lunch see you soon and no one said anything. So I just never returned. She tried calling me about 30 minutes after I was due back but I didn't answer. She wants a reaction because she knows her behavior was inappropriate and I won't give it to her.

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