It's funny how it worked out now, but at the time it was rather scary. I worked at a small scale distributor of cork products for a little under a year before things came to a head and I walked off the job in February. There were numerous problems there, ranging from significant safety issues, to what appeared to me as being outright fraud. To be precise, product would come in via container from overseas, (China), with labeling that quite clearly implied the country of origin, (ie, Chinese lettering on labels and the skids themselves.) We had been instructed to remove all such labels, and cover up the symbols on skids.
This struck me as a little sketchy, but the fact that the paperwork was then indicating the country of origin being Portugal instead, prior to shipping into the US, that tripped my conscience too much, and let to significant stress on my part, which tended to be downplayed whenever I talked about it. The morning I quit, I had actually grabbed my lunch bag before a gut feeling of “I'm not going to need this today” kicked in. I ended up turning in an immediate resignation, and being out by 12:00.
I found out a while back that the owner replaced me with 2 guys at $18/hr compared to the 16.50 I was being paid, and even those guys didn't stay too long…