
Walmart Asking For Donations When Coming And Going

For a while now, ever time I checked out at Walmart it asked me to donate to feed hungry kids. I never do because it pisses me off that they're one of the largest companies in America and they hand out welfare information to their employees because they know they don't pay enough which causes children to be hungry. Today when I was picking up some prescriptions, for the first time I saw that there are now Walmart employees at the front of the store asking for donations to be put into one of those large water jugs from an office water dispenser. It's sick because the employees are standing there holding those large jugs. They don't have a table to place the large jug, they don't have a place to sit, they don't have a rubber mat between them and concrete, and it's just cruel and inhumane when you…

For a while now, ever time I checked out at Walmart it asked me to donate to feed hungry kids. I never do because it pisses me off that they're one of the largest companies in America and they hand out welfare information to their employees because they know they don't pay enough which causes children to be hungry.

Today when I was picking up some prescriptions, for the first time I saw that there are now Walmart employees at the front of the store asking for donations to be put into one of those large water jugs from an office water dispenser. It's sick because the employees are standing there holding those large jugs. They don't have a table to place the large jug, they don't have a place to sit, they don't have a rubber mat between them and concrete, and it's just cruel and inhumane when you really sit and think about it.

Seriously, think about it. They are near minimum wage workers with minimal benefits taking in donations for a service they might have to use themselves and they're doing it in a very humiliating and crippling manner. Holding large objects, regardless of the weight, in awkward manners while standing on concrete is crippling. I could tell that one was heavy because it had a few inches of coins, probably weighed 40 to 50 pounds if I had to guess, and I could just tell the guy was in pain.

The worst part of it all is that if I donated I'd be making the person's day worse by increasing their workload by adding weight to the jug and I have no idea what the distribution of money is between the needy and the charity. I'm making some poor person suffer while making a rich person richer. I just can't bring it in me to do it.

All I could do was laugh from the irony when I got into traffic behind a truck with a sticker that said “Taxes Are Theft”.

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