
Walmart & shitty coach

So I am going to try to keep this short but it’s a long story. I have been working at my store for about over a month now. I worked here previously for almost a year and overall I love working at Walmart. I’m having serious issues with my coach though and I feel like I’m not in the wrong but I’m worried about getting terminated or a level 3 write up for poor management. I’d like to say first my store has great management and I love them all except for my coach and that’s the only one I dislike. When I first got hired, I made them aware I’m not the greatest at fast paced working environments but I will do my best to work with them and provide the best quality of work I can and I’ve been doing that on every shift since. I have only…

So I am going to try to keep this short but it’s a long story.

I have been working at my store for about over a month now. I worked here previously for almost a year and overall I love working at Walmart.

I’m having serious issues with my coach though and I feel like I’m not in the wrong but I’m worried about getting terminated or a level 3 write up for poor management.

I’d like to say first my store has great management and I love them all except for my coach and that’s the only one I dislike.

When I first got hired, I made them aware I’m not the greatest at fast paced working environments but I will do my best to work with them and provide the best quality of work I can and I’ve been doing that on every shift since. I have only ever called out once and that was because I was sick. I have used PPTO a few times to leave early but that was AFTER I asked management if it was okay.

So with that being said my coach was willing to work with me and even said she understands not being able to work in a place where nobody picks up after their shift or doesn’t finish their work.

A week or two ago I accidentally broke a sink though and I felt terrible and we made sure we told management and she talked to me about it and explained the situation to them. Someone must have said I was messing around but that is far from the truth and I would never risk damaging company property, it’s just not in my morals to risk that.
She has since been treating me poorly and rarely speaks to me now.

Every time I go to her and ask for help or have to talk to her she’s been rude or has a condescending attitude.

Today I went to talk to her about how last shift had left the place a mess (14+ boxes to label, empty floor, 20+ picks to pull, mountain of meat to dispose of, etc) and I am on break not even near done with their left over work from last shift. Her response was “we’re short staffed, that’s what we do”.

I was annoyed because that’s not ethical, it’s just poor time management in my opinion. Anyways I went about my day and later that day my coworker wanted me to help her bring back a stack of pallets because they were unstable and she didn’t want anyone to get hurt so I was just there to prevent harm to anyone if they fell.

We got to a gate we needed unlocked and I asked my coach if she could unlock it for us politely and her response was “no, not right now”. In her defense she was just with an associate so I get it but I don’t get the condescending attitude she had for no reason.

So I got to my coworker and I told her “I’m not dealing with her attitude, just leave it let’s go back to work”. My coworker tried to find someone else and my coach told her “I told him to hold on” but that was in no way her response.

She then came up to me and said “you can go home if you want” explaining how she was mad for me saying she had a shitty attitude as she heard me say it. Later on she said “all I want is for you to actually do your job and actually show up to work” yet I’ve only ever called in once, my team lead and my other coworkers call in way more than me.

Later when I explained how I had too much work to complete alone for my shift and her response was “you got to do what needs done”, no advice, no help, nothing.

I feel uncomfortable in my position as she’s my coach. I have bent over backwards to make sure my availability doesn’t leave them without a worker ever, I always have my phone on DND, I do my own thing and make sure my job is done. I have only ever called in once, I help out my coworkers when they need it, etc.

I don’t know what to do, this ain’t how I feel I should be treated.

TL;DR I bend over backwards for my job and help as much as possible but my coach is rude and condescending to me even though I work hard and try to avoid creating scheduling issues for them. I don’t know who to talk about it but I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong.

EDIT: The sink was broke by me slipping and falling and that spray hose happened to be what I grabbed and it ripped out of the wall. It was unfortunate but I felt terrible and made sure I was honest with them about it.

EDIT: if I’m wrong or may be too sensitive, feel free to say that, I just don’t know what to do or if this is how I should be treated.

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