
Wanna stop working?

Start owning shit. The leisure class owns a lot of shit. They own everything they need and MORE. They hire everyone else to cater to their needs. More importantly, they hire so they could own more shit. Rich people don’t have a landlord. They get taxpayers to work FOR THEM so that they don’t have to spend their own money on a billion dollar stadium. Rich people own a lot of things. They own oil fields, hospitals, they lease farms to the farmers. Sure, all the nurses do everything in the damn hospital. But they don’t own the hospital. They were hired by a hospital administrator to make him money.

Start owning shit. The leisure class owns a lot of shit. They own everything they need and MORE. They hire everyone else to cater to their needs. More importantly, they hire so they could own more shit.

Rich people don’t have a landlord. They get taxpayers to work FOR THEM so that they don’t have to spend their own money on a billion dollar stadium.

Rich people own a lot of things. They own oil fields, hospitals, they lease farms to the farmers.

Sure, all the nurses do everything in the damn hospital. But they don’t own the hospital. They were hired by a hospital administrator to make him money.

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