
Want advice/opinions

So I don't know how much I should ask for, pay wise, & I figured this would be the best place to ask. I've been a full time case manager since Jan '19, but have only worked 2 different places & they're both nonprofits. At my current job I'm a program manager (but they won't label my position as such because they'd have to pay me accordingly), & its a step up from where I was at my old job, position wise, which I figured would show improvement over time or whatever. I've applied around, but the only places that ever call me back are other nonprofits, or places offering entrance level pay/positions. I don't know if I should lower my expectations or if the places hiring around me are just not valuing the experience I have gained. Thoughts?

So I don't know how much I should ask for, pay wise, & I figured this would be the best place to ask. I've been a full time case manager since Jan '19, but have only worked 2 different places & they're both nonprofits. At my current job I'm a program manager (but they won't label my position as such because they'd have to pay me accordingly), & its a step up from where I was at my old job, position wise, which I figured would show improvement over time or whatever. I've applied around, but the only places that ever call me back are other nonprofits, or places offering entrance level pay/positions.
I don't know if I should lower my expectations or if the places hiring around me are just not valuing the experience I have gained.


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