
Want me to overwork myself for 1/2 the pay? Oh, you didn’t know?

Wanted to vent a lil here and sorry for my english. So, as background, I've worked in finance all my life, even landed a good senior level position with one of the Big 4, was taking care of my own projects and even was assigned as manager to the biggest project the team ever had. I was doing good, and overtime, sadly, was normal. I didn't even notice anymore, but at least the pay was good. The pandemic came and I decided I was done, I wanted a more relaxed work environment where I could enjoy my friends, family and hobbies. So I took a lower entry position in a different company where I sacrificed money for free time, it was good. Now, my team was awesome, really knowledgeable and willing to train me. I felt lucky. The only bad thing, X was a new manager that suddenly ended by…

Wanted to vent a lil here and sorry for my english.

So, as background, I've worked in finance all my life, even landed a good senior level position with one of the Big 4, was taking care of my own projects and even was assigned as manager to the biggest project the team ever had. I was doing good, and overtime, sadly, was normal. I didn't even notice anymore, but at least the pay was good.

The pandemic came and I decided I was done, I wanted a more relaxed work environment where I could enjoy my friends, family and hobbies. So I took a lower entry position in a different company where I sacrificed money for free time, it was good.

Now, my team was awesome, really knowledgeable and willing to train me. I felt lucky. The only bad thing, X was a new manager that suddenly ended by herself in another team. Only she and the director.

So, since the last guy “suddenly” left for a new job, they transfered me to help her since I had a little more experience dealing with clients. Note that my job was only analysis, not sales. But fuck, I knew that stuff and wanted to help.

1st tough project shows up, and my time to leave kept stretching to the point where I was working 12-14 hours a day, again…

So, on Tuesdays I have an appointment with my therapist, which I take really seriously, and started at 7pm. 1 hour after I left my job as per my contract.

But we had this huge project. So I tell X we can continue working on it when I come back, she says OK.

I left my therapist at 8pm, was home at 8:25. And right there on my inbox was an email, sent by X copy to my 2 directors at 8:17 saying how I:

A) lied to her about the project's progression
B) was late to our meetings
C) wasn't a team player
D) on what's app, she went as far as saying she was “done” and the project was now my responsibility.

(NONE was true, and if it was, why not speak yo me first?)

I had a small panic attack fueled by how unfair this was. I was a fkn analyst and now I was in charge of a project? I come “late” when you require overtime? It took her measly 17 minutes to throw me under the bus, 0 fucks given.

I then proceeded to had the worst week ever, being constantly harassed by X on how I was stopping the workflow, how she believed in me and wanted me to be her right hand, and then blame me for her overtime and stress since I wasn't “delivering good results”. Classic manipulation I think.

And the worst, even as I approached her superiors, the answer was just “that's how she is when she's stressed, chill”.

Now, my director was on holiday for that week, and when he came back, he found my request for the 3 of us to have a meeting. We did.

Now, I know I was kind of and idiot hoping the director would care, but I honestly wanted to try to recover my neat position and honestly went hoping I could get transfered back.

X, being the coward she was, didn't utter a single word while the director said.

A) a story of how he hates his job 1/2 the time and it's normal.
B) how working stressed is necessary
C) how it's always been like that, so suck it up.
D) how no one gets paid for not working and I was being childish.

Then, I had one of those “Fuck it, fuck you, fuck them” moment and I pull out my phone with some old pay slips from my last job at the Big 4.

I knew stress, I knew overtime, I knew compromise. Why were they paying me just half then? They expected the same effort for half the pay?

They didn't believe it until I showed them my phone and seeing the color leave their faces was priceless.

So I ask, why should I keep working here?

He tried to convince me, sway me and threaten me, but I was so delighted by X's face that I barley payed attention. Her realization that another employee was quiting on her after less than 3 months, and how I just had to decide to leave and then she'll have to deal with ALL my projects, around 1/2 of the whole workload simnce you know, there was only her and me.

I stayed for an additional week, not for closure, but literally to just enjoy the chaos I was creating.

We need that report? Sorry, you should have asked before 5.

The client can't find me? Good, why the F would I talk to them if I'm not sales.

You think you'll finish the extra project the lazy manager dropped on you? Lol, bye.

Didn't even said good bye to those fuckers.

Hope she got fired….

Thx for listening everyone, writing this stuff helps.

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