
Want to leave job and go remote to spend time doing what I want

I’m sure this will come off as a bit lazy and or privileged, but I’ve been thinking a lot about life in my career lately, and I want to go fully remote. I truly value flexibility, and with an 11 month old puppy who is the love of my life, nothing means more to me than spending quality time with her and having a good work life balance. I’m a year out from graduation and I’ve received nothing but great reviews from my current role in higher Ed, but I just can’t bring myself to truly care about my work… My pay is around 42k but they want me to be in the office when I know I work better and more efficiently from home, when I can take the dog for a walk, get back to work, and just be more efficient from my great home set up. My…

I’m sure this will come off as a bit lazy and or privileged, but I’ve been thinking a lot about life in my career lately, and I want to go fully remote.

I truly value flexibility, and with an 11 month old puppy who is the love of my life, nothing means more to me than spending quality time with her and having a good work life balance.

I’m a year out from graduation and I’ve received nothing but great reviews from my current role in higher Ed, but I just can’t bring myself to truly care about my work…

My pay is around 42k but they want me to be in the office when I know I work better and more efficiently from home, when I can take the dog for a walk, get back to work, and just be more efficient from my great home set up.

My team at my current role is fantastic, but I just always think they could get someone who might not be as good at the job as me, but who actually cares about the role. Or someone who is fantastic and cares when I can excel somewhere else.

Work is always work, but I want to push for a 50-60k remote job that I can be introverted and spending flexibile time doing what I love instead of commuting or going to an office where realistically, as much as I like the people, I do not want to be there.

Any advice or anyone with the same feeling?

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