
Want to move on, not sure if I should

I work for my Moms business – I know that makes me a pariah in this sub because of nepotism. I joined because I felt it would be the best fit for me after working retail through HS. I interviewed for an internship, and alongside working I went to College, got student loans up to my eyeballs and learnt everything from the ground up to reach where I am. Which apparently is nowhere. I am now in senior management after getting my Post grad degree, 10 years later and I am constantly fighting the board for better pay and benefits for all staff, at least an increase in line with inflation. My mom however, runs the business like its still 2002, I truly think she believes her staff are blessed she employed them, I'm on the other side of the coin, I feel she's lucky to have them. However, my…

I work for my Moms business – I know that makes me a pariah in this sub because of nepotism. I joined because I felt it would be the best fit for me after working retail through HS. I interviewed for an internship, and alongside working I went to College, got student loans up to my eyeballs and learnt everything from the ground up to reach where I am. Which apparently is nowhere.

I am now in senior management after getting my Post grad degree, 10 years later and I am constantly fighting the board for better pay and benefits for all staff, at least an increase in line with inflation.

My mom however, runs the business like its still 2002, I truly think she believes her staff are blessed she employed them, I'm on the other side of the coin, I feel she's lucky to have them.

However, my brother joined the company 2 years ago. He is an example of nepotism, dropped out of HS at 15, did nothing but game and gym for 3 years, then joined with no HS diploma at 18 because he couldn't get a job elsewhere.

My brother is now 20, he earns a minimum of $1000 a month in commission plus his basic because my mom gave him the easiest sales job in the office (b2b selling at discounted prices to established long term customers).

I am the operations director, with a masters degree and am on a big fat $15.50 an hour, no commission, no bonus. The average salary for my role in my state is $67k, and a senior HR executive with my education is between $80-110k, so I am at a minimum on a salary half of expected, and almost 4x smaller at the higher end.

I originally accepted this because my mom claims the business will be mine when she retires, if i can wait a few more years, she claims she only has 3 more years till she'll go, but she's already said that for 5.

“Wait and it will come.”

My brother recently decided he wants to set up “on his own”, buying our stock at discount and retailing it out. My mom has offered him payment terms in the company to do so, essentially that he doesn't need to pay us, until he's sold his stock.

I spoke to my mother, asking if once he leaves, I would be able to take over the role in sales on top of my duties, the role essentially sells itself because the prices are unbeatable.

With the cost of living increasing, My husband and I are struggling to afford our mortgage and bills because my wage has been stagnated for so long (no pay rise for 6 years now) on the promise of the future.

I've set up an etsy shop and am actively applying to work in warehouses and as weekend admin for small companies just to get something in – Apparently I'm over qualified for that so I'm not doing well.

My mom said yes, so I told him a few days later.

He became silent and was tapping on his phone, then walked out fast. A few minutes later he stormed back in and in front of our office declared he had spoken to “Karen” and he would be keeping his sales line to continue earning his commissions despite his leaving.

It was embarrassing for me and awkward for everybody, the manufacturing team were looking forward to him leaving because he's entitled and doesn't listen to his superiors because “Mom told me I can do this” they were looking forward to the new relationship we were going to have working together because I am a long established manager and don't do nonsense and excuses.

She chose him, to keep him happy despite him leaving.

I don't know if I'm even allowed to be angry at the obvious nepotism and favoritism shown at that choice because I think it makes me a hypocrite, despite my mom not helping me in any way to get my education and experience.

If anything, she's been a block at every opportunity because “I can't be seen to have favorites” – I have learnt she can, I've just never been hers.

I'm now looking to leave, I don't know if it's the right move because I feel in my heart I should be here and I could do better with this company and it's staff if I do take over.

I would find out what they need to be happier in their jobs because I am so miserable and worried about money and just want somebody to listen to me who is willing to make a change. I want to be that person and keep this business growing and I've proven I can do that.

However, I have no written guarantee that will happen.

She could leave it to me, she could leave it to my brother or just sell and then I've wasted a decade being underpaid because of who I am when I could earn my worth elsewhere with no ties to the top blocking me.

I can't complain too openly at work because I'm her daughter and people think I'm on more than I am so who would I be to moan?

I do our pay roll, I'm on the least of all senior management by half despite being better educated with more experience in our sector. My wage is the same level as the accounts clerks, who i still think are underpaid for their role.

I am the company idiot and I'm being made aware of it more every day.

I look like the complaining sister but it's about more than that, if i wasn't related it would be equally as aggravating.

My colleagues complain about the obvious favoritism all the time – 4 members of staff have resigned since he began stating his attitude as the reason.

I'll put it another way:

My boss's son has left the company, but is still being paid $1000 a month in commission to keep a sales line that could be redistributed to other staff members because she doesn't want him to suffer.

I'm angry and can't talk about it because of my relation to the CEO. We barely talk outside of the office now, I've lost my Mom to my boss.

I know the specifics likely wont be the same but, has anybody else dealt with a similar situation, and what did you do?

I need validation that I'd be right to run away.

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