
Want to quit but its my first time

I currently work at a warehouse and Im continuously worked to death by my supervisor. Everyone works in their respective departments and for the first month, I stayed in my respective department with minimal change. Ive always been a hard worker and am often able to start the next days work before my shift ends. This led to my supervisor instructing me to help other people in my department finish their quotas (during regular hours) along with starting the next day’s work (usually in OT). At this point I was constantly pressured to help them finish their work and start the next days work by my SV. Fast forward, idk why or when it exactly started but he started moving me to departments that were a few days behind. In a typical day, I prep material for one department for the first two hours, help another for another two hours,…

I currently work at a warehouse and Im continuously worked to death by my supervisor. Everyone works in their respective departments and for the first month, I stayed in my respective department with minimal change. Ive always been a hard worker and am often able to start the next days work before my shift ends. This led to my supervisor instructing me to help other people in my department finish their quotas (during regular hours) along with starting the next day’s work (usually in OT). At this point I was constantly pressured to help them finish their work and start the next days work by my SV.

Fast forward, idk why or when it exactly started but he started moving me to departments that were a few days behind. In a typical day, I prep material for one department for the first two hours, help another for another two hours, hop back to the first department to prep for tomorrow’s work, and then end with helping my original department catch up with whatever work theyre behind on.

I feel extremely burnt out and have asked for some stability to no avail. I know that I work hard and that a lot of my colleagues chat, joke around, and take lots of breaks in between so I want to quit. I know I’m not being paid my worth and at this point I don’t even want to negotiate my wage.

Can I quit by going straight to our company’s HR people or do I need to mention it to my supervisor? I really dont want to mention it to him since I’m afraid he’ll make my last two weeks even crazier than its been for the past two months.

TLDR: Do I need to tell my crazy supervisor that I’m quitting or can I just inform HR

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