
Want to screw me over on my commissions? Well I’m just going to sit at my desk and watch movies.

I think in all of my years working, my current boss is the absolute most horrible human being ever. I honestly believe that he is a clinical sociopath. Nobody in the company likes him and we have a revolving door. The concept of being a good boss and a fair boss seems to escape him. So I work in a senior sales position for a medical company and I’m on a stepped out commission plan. If I make between X and X then I get a certain percentage. Well usually at the end of the month he will sit there and scour through all of my sales and steal customers away from me just so I end up at a different percentage commission. This can be a 2k difference. There are customers that I have had for four years, but if they don’t order in 120 days, then they automatically…

I think in all of my years working, my current boss is the absolute most horrible human being ever. I honestly believe that he is a clinical sociopath. Nobody in the company likes him and we have a revolving door. The concept of being a good boss and a fair boss seems to escape him.

So I work in a senior sales position for a medical company and I’m on a stepped out commission plan. If I make between X and X then I get a certain percentage. Well usually at the end of the month he will sit there and scour through all of my sales and steal customers away from me just so I end up at a different percentage commission. This can be a 2k difference.

There are customers that I have had for four years, but if they don’t order in 120 days, then they automatically make it a house account. What? They gave me a document to sign that outlined all of this, and I refused to sign it. I even hired a lawyer and asked if I had to sign it, and they said no. So don’t ever sign any shit that you’re confused about unless you consult a lawyer.

I have actually become pretty scared of even calling him, because he yells at me every single time. Everyone else in the company is really nice except for him.

He always tries to use my last name to reprimand me and he really knows slick language and debate skills, so I always feel like I’m at a loss with him. So essentially I’ve resorted to just snapping right back at him. So basically just like a toxic relationship.

Thankfully I work from home.

So whenever he makes me mad or tries to steal my customers away from me, I just close my computer and go for a walk around the block, or start watching movies. If you want to steal my customers, then I will steal your time.

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