
Wanting a living wage is not a matter of instant gratification. It is a human right

When I was a youngster about to enter the workforce, I had hard work and no instant gratification drilled into my head. The older I get and the more experience I get in the working world, the more I realize that all that instant gratification talk was bull. I don't want to be mega rich and I'm never going to be mega rich. I'm not some entitled person wanting to make 6 digits with ease. All I want is a full-time job that actually pays me enough where I don't feel I have to scramble in panic for next months rent. I shouldn't have to get a master's degree to get money so I can have enough to have food and replace worn out shoes. I shouldn't have to have 50 million qualifications and 15 years experience just so that I can pay my utilities every month. I shouldn't need…

When I was a youngster about to enter the workforce, I had hard work and no instant gratification drilled into my head. The older I get and the more experience I get in the working world, the more I realize that all that instant gratification talk was bull.

I don't want to be mega rich and I'm never going to be mega rich. I'm not some entitled person wanting to make 6 digits with ease. All I want is a full-time job that actually pays me enough where I don't feel I have to scramble in panic for next months rent.

I shouldn't have to get a master's degree to get money so I can have enough to have food and replace worn out shoes. I shouldn't have to have 50 million qualifications and 15 years experience just so that I can pay my utilities every month. I shouldn't need a promotion for me to start having some economic security. I shouldn't need three jobs to make up for the ever increasing rent.

I realize now that when they were hammering into my brain about instant gratification, they were setting me up to slave away so that my labor could go underpaid and increase their wealth. That if I'm good peon, someday they'll actually give me more than a poverty wage.

If wanting to have enough money for food, shelter, and clothing is entitlement and wanting instant gratification, then I'm glad to be entitled and will wear it proudly

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