
Wanting a raise.

I currently make the same as new hires with no experience. I've been with this store for a year and have been cross trained in all stations. I started under a ex manager and have gotten a raise to meet my current managers starting pay. Manager says no one will get a raise while food cost and times are high. All my coworkers have taken notes on the slowest and most costly employees. Im a bit slow but accurate and everyone has mentioned the top two employees that cost us hundreds a shift and makes our speed of service slow. Manager does nothing and tells me that I just got a raise. Meanwhile coworkers who only does one thing and nothing more make more because they have 10 or so years of age above me

I currently make the same as new hires with no experience. I've been with this store for a year and have been cross trained in all stations. I started under a ex manager and have gotten a raise to meet my current managers starting pay. Manager says no one will get a raise while food cost and times are high. All my coworkers have taken notes on the slowest and most costly employees. Im a bit slow but accurate and everyone has mentioned the top two employees that cost us hundreds a shift and makes our speed of service slow. Manager does nothing and tells me that I just got a raise. Meanwhile coworkers who only does one thing and nothing more make more because they have 10 or so years of age above me

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