
Was duped into a position I hate

So… I applied for a job 1 month ago, it had a description I liked and I didn’t have to answer phones which I’ve always hated. Good pay, good job, I was excited. This is a very small office- 5 employees total- there were 4 and I was going to be the 5th one to complete the team. I get called by the manager 1 week before going into my job and she told me that one of the girls put her 2 week notice and if I could replace her while they fill her position and then I would go into my position— they never gave me an exact timeframe of how long I’d be filling this position but they did say about 3 weeks. I said ‘okay’ just because I wanted to be in this company and really needed a job— I would be getting paid the same…

So… I applied for a job 1 month ago, it had a description I liked and I didn’t have to answer phones which I’ve always hated. Good pay, good job, I was excited. This is a very small office- 5 employees total- there were 4 and I was going to be the 5th one to complete the team. I get called by the manager 1 week before going into my job and she told me that one of the girls put her 2 week notice and if I could replace her while they fill her position and then I would go into my position— they never gave me an exact timeframe of how long I’d be filling this position but they did say about 3 weeks. I said ‘okay’ just because I wanted to be in this company and really needed a job— I would be getting paid the same as well and they told me this job was easier. So WHY NOT?! Well… it’s been 1 month and 7 days and I’m still here- my boss asked her boss if anyone had applied for this job and she said she had ‘forgotten’ and would post it this week. Yesterday my boss had a meeting and apparently my original position is being terminated in all of our locations (13) and the 13 people in this position will be laid off in the beginning of next month and they have to fight for 6 new spots that will open for this position just with a ‘higher’ title and they will only hire those with the most experience, etc. So of course if I apply I’m not gonna get hired- I haven’t even started that position so of course they’re gonna disregard my application. So then I’d be jobless. But my boss was acting like this is a blessing in disguise and told me if I say yes to the position I’m currently in then I’ll have a job.. the thing is I HATE THIS JOB. They pile so much shit on me that other people don’t do and I have to answer the phone every 5 mins. It’s ridiculous.. I shouldn’t complain and maybe I should be happy but I’m miserable. Are there grounds for suing? I’m really bummed out. I feel bad for the people that will lose their jobs after being here for years.

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