
Was Fired For Questioning Decisions

Hello Anti-work. Today I was fired for “challenging” and never taking blame for other people's mistakes. I was recently hired at a company I had no experience with as a Director to which i had to learn everything on my own. There were other Directors who have had previous experience but they never helped me in any shape or form. They have always nit picked at everything I did when I was learning on my own. Up to this point I did everything I was required to do and always covered my tracks insuring everything was perfect so that my boss wouldn't have a reason to question my ability to perform at the job. The other Directors on the other hand half assed everything and blamed me for their mistakes. Whenever I tried to explain to my boss that I was trying to fix their mistakes or it wasn't me,…

Hello Anti-work. Today I was fired for “challenging” and never taking blame for other people's mistakes.

I was recently hired at a company I had no experience with as a Director to which i had to learn everything on my own. There were other Directors who have had previous experience but they never helped me in any shape or form. They have always nit picked at everything I did when I was learning on my own.

Up to this point I did everything I was required to do and always covered my tracks insuring everything was perfect so that my boss wouldn't have a reason to question my ability to perform at the job.

The other Directors on the other hand half assed everything and blamed me for their mistakes. Whenever I tried to explain to my boss that I was trying to fix their mistakes or it wasn't me, he'd get upset and tell ask my why I keep challenging him or act like I'm never wrong.

For the past 6 months I have been the main closing Director and have been getting burnt out.

Yesterday I was told I was going to be closing an additional night a week on top of my 4 and I brought up my concern of being burnt out and if possible, can one of the other 2 Directors close that particular night instead since there were 3 of us total.

Apparently this was too much to ask for and I was fired for “challenging” their decision making and not being a “yes man.” He also mentioned how he had an issue with me having a problem with him modifying my schedule 3 days before my shift without asking me first. (I told him I had no issue with the schedule change but it was very disrespectful of him to change my hours without asking if i was available seeing that the schedule was up for 3 weeks)

He piggybacked on that tangent and told me that i was expected to be available at all times and to be able to come in whenever he needed me to and not question it

Am i in the wrong for using my head and thinking for myself? Or should I just sheep away at my future job and let these bosses have their way with me.

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