
Was I fired in retaliation?

Hey antiworkers, I was working at my first music industry job as part of a team at a large, major music venue. After various concerns stemming from my direct manager's treatment of me, I decided to schedule an appointment with HR to discuss moving to another department in the venue, something that plenty of other employees have done successfully. She told me during our first meeting that it likely wouldn't be an issue, and that she would follow up with me shortly to discuss options after speaking with my manager and anyone else relevant. Now, for the bullshit.. I joined the follow up Zoom call with her a few days later, where she informed me that they've decided to let me go instead of placing me in a different department. Her stated reasons were all things that had happened at work that I was never disciplined for, including speaking to…

Hey antiworkers, I was working at my first music industry job as part of a team at a large, major music venue. After various concerns stemming from my direct manager's treatment of me, I decided to schedule an appointment with HR to discuss moving to another department in the venue, something that plenty of other employees have done successfully. She told me during our first meeting that it likely wouldn't be an issue, and that she would follow up with me shortly to discuss options after speaking with my manager and anyone else relevant. Now, for the bullshit..

I joined the follow up Zoom call with her a few days later, where she informed me that they've decided to let me go instead of placing me in a different department. Her stated reasons were all things that had happened at work that I was never disciplined for, including speaking to a coworker about how much money she makes and how many hours she works (she's a supervisor, one step above me). I know for a fact that this is an illegal reason to let someone go from a job. HR also stated that I talked negatively about the job within earshot of the manager's in other departments, making them not want to hire me. I don't see how that could possibly be true, I only discussed issues with a couple people within my department privately. I see it as far more likely that my former manager badmouthed me to other managers in the venue, because I would have next to no contact with them otherwise. Again, all of the reasons listed were things that were never brought to my attention when they happened, they only seemed to be a problem now that I was going to HR.

What options do I have moving forward? I haven't talked to the manager I had problems with since before my initial HR meeting, and I am planning for one final HR call with the manager present soon. I want to continue working in the music industry, and at this specific venue, but I don't see how this is possible given the former manager's influence. I appreciate any and all input, and can answer questions in the comments.

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