
was my termination justified?

i was a server at a really popular restaurant in my area and was recently fired for something i personally don't find a big deal. there's no way to say this without sounding obnoxious but i thought i was a pretty good server, i loved interacting and talking to my tables while still being efficient, my coworkers took notice and have told me this as well. i've built rapport with customers to the point they became regulars and would even request for me to serve them and even my bosses have said i'm a “superstar server” and bring in the highest tips. so what doesn't make sense to me is that i was fired when i did my job well? the reason i was fired was because i was apparently not a team player, which i don't find true and i'll explain why. there were two coworkers that i couldn't…

i was a server at a really popular restaurant in my area and was recently fired for something i personally don't find a big deal. there's no way to say this without sounding obnoxious but i thought i was a pretty good server, i loved interacting and talking to my tables while still being efficient, my coworkers took notice and have told me this as well. i've built rapport with customers to the point they became regulars and would even request for me to serve them and even my bosses have said i'm a “superstar server” and bring in the highest tips. so what doesn't make sense to me is that i was fired when i did my job well?

the reason i was fired was because i was apparently not a team player, which i don't find true and i'll explain why. there were two coworkers that i couldn't really care less about which is normal, you usually don't get along with everyone at work. one would talk shit about my appearance and tell the bosses i don't invite her out which is hypocritical since she never invites anyone herself and then plays victim towards management saying she doesn't understand why i don't talk to her and that led management to have a talk with me about my behavior. the thing is, i've never done anything to her (like i said i couldn't really care less about her after what she said about me). i'm not the type of person to be fake towards anyone and make conversation like how was your weekend or what'd you do before work etc…especially when you talk shit about me lol so i would only talk to her when it's work related but she went and told management that i completely ignore her and painted me out to be hostile. the other coworker i just stopped talking to because he got really upset with me for talking to another male coworker he didn't like which i found super weird because we are all grown adults and it just felt like high school all over again. mind you these two coworkers are best friends with management so it was already their word over mine. me personally i really don't care if my coworkers don't like me, at the end of the day i'm there to make money and go home and making friends is just a plus. us not liking each other never affected my work but for some reason it really affected theirs and made the workplace an uncomfortable environment for them which ultimately led to my termination, which i still don't understand how that's my problem. i've had a talk with my boss where she asked me if i enjoy working here because the way i act makes others uncomfortable??? she went on to say i'm a superstar server and customers love me but that's not all there is to this job, i also have to be a team player. i was super upset about that because i was still civil, i still talked to my coworkers about work related things and still helped them when they or their tables needed me yet i was painted out to be hostile just because i wasn't friends with them. about a week after that talk, i walk into work and was immediately fired for “not improving”. not a single heads up or anything just had me drive to work only to get fired. the girl that had a problem with me ended up getting a raise after i left while i filed for unemployment. it was so obvious management had favorites and i was already planning to quit but they beat me to it! i've just never seen a case where someone that does their job well gets fired lol so i just would like to hear anyones opinions on this

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