
Was offered extra work for the same pay under the guise of a promotion

I've been with the same employer (government sector) for 16 years. I intend to stay for another 16 and retire at my earliest allowed by our pension plan (55). I've moved around alot, moved up and pretty maxed out salary wise for my education. To make more, i'd have to go back to school and I just don't want to, nor can I afford it. I'm single, 1 income. My newer boss, who I can't stand and has a reputation of being a micro manager and miserable witch, told me 2 weeks ago I can be difficult to work with and need an attitude adjustment (this is because I'm sarcastic and choose humor over kissing ass. I've never been disciplined or acted unprofessionally). I took on a specialized position once for them, and got shit all over despite doing a great job. They praised my results but kept piling more…

I've been with the same employer (government sector) for 16 years. I intend to stay for another 16 and retire at my earliest allowed by our pension plan (55).

I've moved around alot, moved up and pretty maxed out salary wise for my education. To make more, i'd have to go back to school and I just don't want to, nor can I afford it. I'm single, 1 income.

My newer boss, who I can't stand and has a reputation of being a micro manager and miserable witch, told me 2 weeks ago I can be difficult to work with and need an attitude adjustment (this is because I'm sarcastic and choose humor over kissing ass. I've never been disciplined or acted unprofessionally).

I took on a specialized position once for them, and got shit all over despite doing a great job. They praised my results but kept piling more onto me until I snapped and said I'm done. They hired 2 people to do the 1 job I did and still aren't seeing the same results.

Last week, she approached me about 'grooming' me for a manager position because I demonstrate the skills to get the job done well, have the personality and she thinks I need job satisfaction. I told her I had no interest in that. I hate people, especially staff. I'm not a yes man person. Plus, she just gave me all this negative critique? She said she'd start by giving me extra supervisory duties and the end goal is to move me into a position when it opens. There are not currently any vacancies but we expect some soon. At the top after a few years, I'd be making 20k more per year than I am now.

She came to my desk today to praise me for great coverage for a coworker and told me I must have learned those skills from them (wtf? I've been here longer).

She keeps bugging me for an answer about this opportunity. 20k more sounds great, as does a change of duties, but also, I hate her. And I don't want to be nagged to death everyday. I would basically be her right hand woman, and her puppet. She already supervises me now but leaves me alone since I know my job. I feel like this would open me up to more nitpicks about my personality and just stress me out. I also question whether i'd even get a position when it opened. Usually the brown nosers get those.


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