
was there ever a sub created for the actual antiwork community after it caught media attention and blew up?

Seems this sub has mostly turned into neo liberal capitalists, AKA, people who would be fine with capitalism as long as they got paid more and treated better. Which that outlook grossly ignores how capitalism and globalism is destroying the world regardless of if you get paid and treated better or not. Feels like this sub went from, “we want to end work”, to “we just want to be robbed less”. I see so much, I can't even call it leftists because the US doesn't have a real left, so we'll go with what the US would leftists propaganda, and it's sickening. You're no better than your counterparts falling for conservative propaganda, they're both the problem. No, one isn't worse than the other, because they are the same thing, both sides need each other so they can stay in power. One without the other doesn't work, they need each other…

Seems this sub has mostly turned into neo liberal capitalists, AKA, people who would be fine with capitalism as long as they got paid more and treated better. Which that outlook grossly ignores how capitalism and globalism is destroying the world regardless of if you get paid and treated better or not. Feels like this sub went from, “we want to end work”, to “we just want to be robbed less”.

I see so much, I can't even call it leftists because the US doesn't have a real left, so we'll go with what the US would leftists propaganda, and it's sickening. You're no better than your counterparts falling for conservative propaganda, they're both the problem. No, one isn't worse than the other, because they are the same thing, both sides need each other so they can stay in power. One without the other doesn't work, they need each other to keep the divide and conquer strategy alive and well. Trump being elected was planned, the country fell for two great friends running against each other. Trump's and Clinton's have been lifelong friends, their daughters are bff's. We were all being called conspiracy theorists when bringing up how they were both connected to Epstien and that Epstien was a pedo 10-15 years ago, look how that turned out. Trump being elected was to further the agenda to divide the country so the descendants of the same people that have been in power for 1,000+ years, can stay in power. It worked quite well too, more people are into politics and divided by them than ever before.

So………. where did the real antiwork community land? I know there's gotta be a sub somewhere that the real antiwork community landed, I'm just not having any luck finding it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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