
Was told raise at 30 days, didn’t get it.

I was recently hired for a position and during the interview the manager mentioned “raise at 30 days” while going down a line of points. I've worked for the company in the past at a different location and in a different department, but they also did a raise at 30 days back then, so I sort of expected this. A month comes and goes and my manager that hired me has his last day before leaving the company, I make sure to point out I'm due for my 30 day review and he just goes over the paperwork and checks everything off in less than two minutes saying I'm perfect then we move on to a meeting about other things. Since that was his last day, I'm now under a new manager who was not at all responsible for my hiring nor knows anything about it since he was only…

I was recently hired for a position and during the interview the manager mentioned “raise at 30 days” while going down a line of points. I've worked for the company in the past at a different location and in a different department, but they also did a raise at 30 days back then, so I sort of expected this.
A month comes and goes and my manager that hired me has his last day before leaving the company, I make sure to point out I'm due for my 30 day review and he just goes over the paperwork and checks everything off in less than two minutes saying I'm perfect then we move on to a meeting about other things. Since that was his last day, I'm now under a new manager who was not at all responsible for my hiring nor knows anything about it since he was only just promoted to that position. Anyway, my next pay stub comes and I see my wage is still the same, so I mention it to someone in HR/Payroll the following work day. Another day or two later I'm pulled into an office with two higher up office managers to tell me in private that they looked into the matter and don't know what I'm talking about, they don't do raises at 30 days unless it's [department I worked at in the past], that they called the manager who hired me and he has no recollection of mentioning a raise during the interview, etc. They also said since I had negotiated a higher starting wage than what they offer for my position, that there wouldn't be any room to give me a raise regardless. I said no worries I'll contact [manager that recently left] to clear things up, and they said no that wouldn't be appropriate since he no longer works there. I'm kind of at a loss of what to do here. They act like they're giving me such a great wage and that I'm special or something. All I negotiated was 22 to start when they tried to pay me 19. I know that may sound like a lot but I'm in northern california to put things in perspective. Competitive pay for my role at other companies would start at 25, and I brought this up, to which they don't even deny, they just justify it by saying “you don't have to work corporate here, it's a much better work environment.” On top of all that, the manager who hired me never actually managed my department because he was too busy training his replacement, and since that transition happened, my new manager has been busy training his own replacement for his prior role. My department has been basically without a manager for almost two months and I've been dealing with everything. I told them this and that I'd be following up with another meeting to discuss a promotion or alteration of my role to include these managerial duties, since basically everything is falling to me to handle and I'm not even sure how much I'm supposed to do. They asked if I was given an official job description and I said no, just verbally trained for a couple hours on my first day by the hiring manager then left to figure things out from the rest of my department crew (I actually didn't even get any sort of new hire packet since I was a company rehire). They said they would print out a job description and put it in my inbox. My weekend came and went and it's still not there. Starting to feel like I'm not going to be appreciated here, and I'm not planning on staying once I find something better. Thanks for reading this rant.

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