
Was Violated by Coworkers and Managers. Refused Resignation Form…

I'm mainly writing because I just quit and dont know if I should try to take action against this company I worked for… I want to because they treat their workers like shit and I have experienced and witnessed countless amounts of illegal activity, but I'm not sure if I can because I have no hard evidence… and based on my experience with the managers, it probably would go nowhere anyway… My job requires a resignation form that gets sent to the regional manager and it has a comment section. They denied me the resignation form multiple times because I “didn't give significant notice” but I am legally allowed to terminate employment at any time for any reason and I had already agreed to work the all shifts they had scheduled me before the date of resignation… To add to this, a close excoworker of mine did the same thing…

I'm mainly writing because I just quit and dont know if I should try to take action against this company I worked for… I want to because they treat their workers like shit and I have experienced and witnessed countless amounts of illegal activity, but I'm not sure if I can because I have no hard evidence… and based on my experience with the managers, it probably would go nowhere anyway…

My job requires a resignation form that gets sent to the regional manager and it has a comment section. They denied me the resignation form multiple times because I “didn't give significant notice” but I am legally allowed to terminate employment at any time for any reason and I had already agreed to work the all shifts they had scheduled me before the date of resignation… To add to this, a close excoworker of mine did the same thing and got the form… I honestly believe they are trying to suppress my voice to keep their jobs.

I recently quit my position at a major chain after months of being discriminated against by managers, harassed by coworkers, sexually assaulted by a coworker, and witnessing harassment with no manager interferance and denial of the incidents. The worst part is, I would have put up with it and stayed because I'm so desperate for money but a close coworker started facing the same things and I could no longer justify staying.

Here are all my grievances:
-When I first started working the GM told multiple of my coworkers that I am transgender without my consent or my knowledge. This caused one of my coworkers to ask me many invasive questions about my transition. I did not report this incident because the information was already out and I was really desperate for money, but I have multiple coworkers that would be witness to this.

-One of my managers would gossip about and share personal information about his employees to other employees without their consent or knowledge. (i.e. told one of my coworkers another coworkers has bipolar disorder).

-My coworkers and I were forced to work 10+ hours with no break because it was busy despite requesting one hours in advance. My coworker was close to collapse because she was unable to stop to get food or water and requested a break after working 10+ hours straight and was told by a manager to wait. I tried to advocate for her and was also told to wait.

-Many of my coworkers have come to work or have been forced to stay with covid or other confirmed illnesses/high fever with the managers' knowledge. To make it worse, I worked in the food service industry. To make it even worse, managers do not let other employees know so they cannot get tested or take proper precautions to avoid illness.

-Some of my excoworkers are allowed to harrass/intimidate/threaten other workers because they show up consistently and have seniority. This has happened directly in front of managers and the only time someone has been fired from this is when it escalated to physical assault and threats of death. Otherwise, people can be extremely nasty to each other and get away with no punishment or being spoken to.

-I was sexually assaulted on 3 different occasions by one coworker and he had shown me pornographic images of random people. His justification is that we are both gay men. I am neither gay nor a man. I brought this to a manager's attention and said I did not want him fired but I do not feel comfortable working with him, hoping there would be an investigation and he would be transfered to a different location in the area. The manager confirmed that this had happened to other people and there was another complaint. No investigation was done and I had to work there in fear that I would be groped at work or forced to look at pornography. I did not leave then because I really needed the money. On my last day, one of my other managers asked why I was quitting and I told her about the incident and she genuinely seemed to be confused and said that the other manager did not share my complaint with any of the other managers and that it he had kept it secret. She offered to give me the resignation form so she could send it to the regional manager, but I told her I would prefer to do it directly myself or file a formal complaint.

When trying to bring this up with another manager before I tried to resign, I was told there was nothing that could be done because there was no evidence of these things occuring despite multiple coworkers as witnesses and many of them happening in front of managers. So… with all that said… should I do it? And does anyone have any advice.

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