
Was worried I would get the finger regarding my unused PTO upon quitting my job so my dad gave me this idea and it seems to be working.

Last night was my last shift at my job due to the fact that my new job was eager to get me started and I couldn’t stomach another shift at the job I quit I didn’t really give them 2 weeks notice. However I had 90 hours PTO that I didn’t want to give up and I figured they would give me the finger on that if I told them I was quitting even if I gave 2 weeks notice. So I was talking to my dad about it and he said to tell them there is a family emergency I have to leave town for immediately for a couple of weeks. I was like “what kind of emergency?” And he said “tell them your dad is dying”…. So that’s what I did, and its working out quite nicely.

Last night was my last shift at my job due to the fact that my new job was eager to get me started and I couldn’t stomach another shift at the job I quit I didn’t really give them 2 weeks notice.

However I had 90 hours PTO that I didn’t want to give up and I figured they would give me the finger on that if I told them I was quitting even if I gave 2 weeks notice.

So I was talking to my dad about it and he said to tell them there is a family emergency I have to leave town for immediately for a couple of weeks.

I was like “what kind of emergency?” And he said “tell them your dad is dying”…. So that’s what I did, and its working out quite nicely.

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