
Washington Post Ran 16 Negative Stories on Bernie Sanders in 16 Hours This is so crazy. It is obvious that workers will have a better life if Bernie became president. Look at what Bezos has done to hurt those chances. [Washington post is owned by Jeff Bezos] I know this is old news but it is hitting me very hard right now. Just look at these articles – March 6, 10:20 PM: Bernie Sanders Pledges the US Won’t Be No. 1 in Incarceration. He’ll Need to Release Lots of Criminals March 7, 12:39 AM: Clinton Is Running for President. Sanders Is Doing Something Else March 7, 4:04 AM: This Is Huge: Trump, Sanders Both Using Same Catchphrase March 7, 4:49 AM: Mental Health Patients to Bernie Sanders: Don’t Compare Us to the GOP Candidates March 7, 6:00 AM: ‘Excuse Me, I’m Talking’: Bernie Sanders Shuts Down Hillary Clinton, Repeatedly March 7, 9:24 AM:  Bernie Sanders’s Two Big Lies About the Global…

This is so crazy. It is obvious that workers will have a better life if Bernie became president. Look at what Bezos has done to hurt those chances. [Washington post is owned by Jeff Bezos]

I know this is old news but it is hitting me very hard right now. Just look at these articles –

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